December, 2017
The new MSc & BSc GSL internship season is starting soon again! The GSL is now open for traineeship applications.
Because the GSl operates as a team, we can only accept traineeship requests that start in February and last for 5 months!
If you want to apply pleas do send a complete CV plus an (informal) letter of motivation to:
January 30, 2017
The new BSc GSL internship season is starting soon again! Nine BSc students are starting their 5-month internship next week. Welcome to you all and the best of luck for your research projects!
December 5, 2016
Today the GSL is not welcoming Sinterklaas but Milou, the first student of the new 2016/2017 season! Milou is going to be working in the context of a new collaboration we are happy to start with the Blijdorp zoo of Rotterdam. In her project she will explore aspects of infections by EEHV (elephant endotheliotropic herpes virus), which has unfortunately been threatening young asiatic elephants in zoos worldwide in the past decades.
November 10, 2016
The LinkedIN Genomics Student Lab group is active! Do not hesitate to join or invite other people you know who have had or may have a link to the GSL. The idea is that people that were or are part of the GSL keep in touch and remain informed on new GSL developments. All (former) members of the Green Student Lab are of course also welcome to join!
September 20, 2016
The SILS MSc internship market of yesterday was a great success. More than 120 students met over 50 SILS scientists to talk about future research projects covering a broad range of topics, from Mass Spectrometry and Biocatalysis to Neurobiology, Microbiology and Plant Biology. The Genomics/Green Student Lab was of course also there to present its innovative concept to new MSc students. We were very happy to welcome again Nienke Koopman, Michiel Konings and Boas van der Putten, GSL alumni of 2016 and 2015, respectively, who seemed glad to share their experience with newcomers.
August 26, 2016
The new edition of the SILS MSc internship market (stagemarkt) will take place on Monday the 19th of September from 11 am until 1 pm in the Central Hall at Science Park 904. The team of the Genomics Student Lab will of course be present! This is a great opportunity for new student candidates to come to us for information about internships at the GSL. Plus: there is free pizza for all participants!
August 17, 2016
On the first of July, the BSc Genomics Student Lab Students submitted the final draft of their reports and left to the next step in their study. Farewell and good luck to you all!
On the 23rd of June a couple of students of the Genomics Student Lab were invited by Dr. Martijn Dollé at the RIVM, Bilthoven, to present their results on the collaboration about aging small RNA biomarkers. Dr. Dollé and his colleagues showed a lot of interest and kindly gave us interesting background information on the Doetinchem cohort study.
June 30, 2016
On the 10th of June a group of students of the Genomics Student Lab was kindly invited for a tour at Dupont Industrial Biociences, Leiden. Dr. Marc Kolkman from the R&D department gave an extensive overview, including general aspects of Dupont activities, history of the Leiden site, and insights on the work being performed at R&D as well as at the Applications department. Two of his young colleagues from Applications nicely showed us around and enthusiastically described their work to us. We were very interested to see the amount of automation necessary for intense screening of thousands of improved enzyme candidates and to hear about how to perform a laundry in a 96-well plate!
The GSL is grateful to Marc Kolkman and his colleagues for this very instructive tour. It definitely gave a good glimpse of the "biosciences'' real life out there" to the students.